At QuarkXR, we love working on the bleeding edge of technology. And we also love to collaborate with other highly innovative teams – our Framework program helped us meet a lot of devs like this. Now we are super excited to introduce one of them: the amazing Viblast!
In case you aren’t familiar with their work, just know their mission is to improve how video is streamed online. What better field for apply QuarkXR’s Framework?
Viblast PDN is a peer-to-peer (P2P) technology for video content streaming that complements and extends the traditional server-to-client model. It uses a decentralized approach for fetching the stream.
While the server (CDN or in-house alternative) is the primary source, if there are other clients watching (peers), Viblast PDN will fetch the stream from them whenever possible and offload the server.
However, 360/VR videos require HUGE amounts of bandwidth and have super high resolutions. Here is where QuarkXR and our Framework come into play.
Our Cloud XR infrastructure, combined with Viblast’s decentralized approach, allows Enterprises to store 360/VR videos on a CDN and simply stream them with the help of peers, so that the CDN is not as loaded and any traffic bottlenecks can be removed.
One of the reasons we love this use case is because we help our partners reach new territories as well. By taking advantage of QuarkXR Framework’s capabilities, Viblast gets access to a number of VR devices. We provide native support for Oculus Quest, Pico VR, and Vive Focus, and allow for our partners to make use of our Unity SDK.
Another great feature of the QuarkXR Framework that we’re proud of is the ability for live capture and streaming! This allows for events to be live streamed in VR, but also streaming of photo-realistic content from 3D tools like Maya, Autodesk, etc.
One last detail we’re proud of is that our collaboration can be combined with other QuarkXR technologies – for example, HEVC with an Alpha channel for AR.
In the meantime, submissions for our Framework are still open. If you’re a developer in the field of VR/AR/MR (a.k.a. XR), make sure you contact us through this page.
Let’s build the new realities together!