Immersive computing
on the edge.

QuarkXR is an ultra-fast, hardware-agnostic software solution for Cloud XR applications. Low-latency compression and wireless transmission enables Cloud/split-rendering solutions with 5G, while all heavy processing is offloaded on Edge Cloud GPUs.

QuarkXR for Architecture

Streamline Your VR Presentations and Captivate Your Clients - No Technical Hassles Required. Start presenting in under 30 seconds.

QuarkXR Framework
Now open for submissions by XR devs!
Apply Here!

QuarkXR is among the few companies pushing the boundaries of what's possible in virtual spaces.

Jon Fingas, Endgadget

symbol of a 5G network

Optimized for 5G Networks

Symbol of Edge Cloud

Runs on Edge Cloud

Symbol for Software updates

Upgradable via
software updates

Money symbol

Cheaper to integrate


Logo of Deutsche Telekom
Logo of Deutsche Telekom
Logo of Deutsche Telekom
Logo of Deutsche Telekom
Logo of Deutsche Telekom
Logo of Deutsche Telekom

Blog posts

Investors in QuarkXR Inc. are New Vision 3 Fund and Vitosha Venture Partners Fund I KD, which are co-financed by the European Structural and Investment Funds under the Operational Programme for Innovation and Competitiveness 2014-2020 managed by the Fund of Funds in Bulgaria